1. Lessons learnt in Germany
1. Current power situation in TN
- Energy production
- Energy need
2. Types of production
- Coal based
- Nuclear
- Wind
- PV
- Biomass
- Hydro
3. Best practice Renewable Energy
- Actual Generation of Schwabisch Hall
4. Renewable Energy Potential in Tamil Nadu, India
- Wind
- Solar
- Hydro
- Biogas
5. Issues in Tamilnadu
- Government Policy
- Grid stability (SLDC)
- Grid Stability
6. Panel discussions
7. Renewable Energy as chance and innovation
2. PV System (ON GRID)
– Panels
– Inverters
– String Box
– Switch Yard
– grid connection
3) PV system (OFF GRID)
– Panels
– Inverters
– Consumption
4) Electric Engineering Training
– Voltage/current/power/energy
– A/C D/C
5) Design of off grid systems
6) Design of on grid system
7) Installation of system
8) O&M of PV-System